Free Creche

Free Childcare for Develop Conference Delegates

We understand that being a game maker and a parent are not mutually exclusive and we want to make sure that Develop:Brighton is accessible to parents. So, we offer a free Creche run by Nipperbout for 2 – 8 year olds.

Opening times:

  • Tues Morning: 09:15 to 13:00
  • Tues Afternoon: 13:45 to 17:45
  • Weds Morning: 09:15 to 13:00
  • Weds Afternoon: 13:45 to 17:45
  • Thurs Morning: 09:30 to 13:15
  • Thurs Afternoon: 13:45 to 17:45
  • Closed at lunchtime.

Please note: As there are a limited number of places available, priority will be given to paying conference delegates and single parents attending with children. 

Booking Information

How to book your place(s) in 3 easy steps:

1. Set up an account

  • Click on the link above to visit the registration website
  • Create a username and password for your account
  • Add your personal details

2. Add your children

  • Add a child
  • Complete the 5 pages of information about your child

3. Register for an event

  • Add the event to your account using the event code - see above code
  • Answer the admission criteria - between 3 and 6 questions
  • Add your children
  • Select your sessions - which sessions are they attending?
  • Grant consents for your children - give your permission
  • Submit your registration - remember to click ‘submit’!

Do bear in mind that looking after children is Nipperbout's area of expertise not websites, so the booking system isn't the most up-to-date!

Contact Us

If you need help to register or have an enquiry about your booking please contact Nipperbout:
Tel: 01296 712 658 (Option 3)
Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
E-mail: [email protected]

If you have a general enquiry about the Creche please contact the Develop Team:
Email: [email protected]

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